
We all need inspiration at some point in our lives, for one reason or another we need inspiration.  I am one of those people. I can not just sit down and write.  I need something to write about, I need inspiration, I need to ‘feel’, I need to sense, to have something touch me.

This year I found two writing groups on Facebook. One is My 500 Words, and it’s goal is to …well, to write, just write.  But who can just do that?  Just plop down pen and paper in hand (or the laptop on your lap and start keying)?  Oh wait, me.. IF I have the inspiration.  We are given prompts each day, but are not required to use them.

Sometimes my inspiration comes from the prompt, and some days it comes from a song lyric, a statement, a word, a sentence someone has said that I have overheard. Now and then it comes from something that I have read that has floated about in my mind for a mere second, or perhaps I hear one word used several times throughout the day. Occasionally I am having a conversation and something resonatew with me and I say to myself “good topic” yet I forget it once I am home, or in front of the computer.

Today my inspiration came from the prompt we were given “Write about Writing:.  I said what in the world, who does this?  Who writes about writing? Who wants to read about writing?  Heck, who wants to even read my writings?  So, my mind went to rambling and my hand went to the pen which took to the paper…and well, here I am – rambling (as usual).   Writing – Writing is a form of composition, a written composition, the act of forming visible letters (thank you MW).  So here I am trying to compose visible letters into viable words that will make sense once they spew forth from my mind onto this laptop screen.

My inspiration has let me down a time or two, it has belied my thoughts and my musings, it has caused me to stop in mid-sentence and change my thought process or my entire writing. My inspiration has led me down a path I didn’t know I wanted to go down, one that has led me to a better writing, to a better place.  Writing, much like reading, can take you anywhere you want to go – even if you didn’t know you wanted to go there.

This post has rambled but it has also served the purpose of cleansing my mind so that I might sleep this evening, that I might make even more room for even more inspiration for another rambling of randomness.  You see, I never know what I will encounter in my day, who I will meet or run into, how my day will play out, or even why or when I will be in a place that inspiration might strike. I. Never. Know. Anything.  I never know what I am going to write about until…. until I sit down to write, until I find my reason, my subject, my muse … Until… Until I find my inspiration.

Where does YOUR inspiration come from??

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